A placid parent makes a placid home Every child is the angel in parent's life So every parent plays an important role in children's life Years ago, we found that Malaysia parenting style is different from Western parenting style Parents in Malaysia used to punish their children physically and lack of confidence about them So today we are going to have an interview to know more about the parenting style in Malaysia and the Western country Let's go! Good afternoon my name is Wong Hong Ming and this is Miss Christina from Malaysia Nice to meet you Today we'll talk about parenting so Miss Christina Do you think it's hard to raise a child? Hmm I don't think it's hard it depends on their years so if they're younger then yes, it is hard but later on it gets easier my second question is if your child cries for a toy in a mall what will you do? Hmm I wouldn't give it to him or her easily I would stop her from crying first and then talk about it and then will see whether I want to give the toy or not Okay so my third question is if your child wanted to travel abroad alone will you let him go? if he or she is more than 18 years old then yes I will completely allow and if is younger than that maybe not okay Then next is If your child gets a bad result in the exam will you take away his phone or laptop? Emm If he or she is too dependent on it then yes, I probably will but if I mean if it gives them benefits if let see if they're learning through the laptop or the phone then no I won't okay Next is will you punish your child physically if they make mistake No, I don't believe in corporal punishment Ya So my last question is What is your expectation on your child? Expectation I just want them to grow up to be a kind human being to everyone Ya, that's That's my expectation of my child Okay Thank you That's all for my question okay Hi, my name is Tan Hao Yang and this Robert from New Zealand -New Zealand Okay So today we're going to talk about Parenting Okay So In your opinion is it difficult to bring up a child? I think it is not too easy I mean especially those days You know The world is changing a little bit so it is getting more and more hard to raise kids I mean everything is getting more and more expansive Ya Emm the living cost ya The living cost definitely I mean also you know even though it's an open world you know is a is a is a big world real I want basically Emm it's still difficult, especially in schools Emm when kids of different ethics are there for example Emm
it is definitely difficult but none the less I think is is still a goal to aim for, isn't it? Okay So If your child is crying for a toy in a supermarket What will you do? Well, it depends on the situation I think I mean if he if you want to buy a new one Ya – You know and if he is just crying to get that toy I won't give it to him Hmm – I mean You know just because he is crying doesn't mean that he deserves what he wants Em If he isI don't know upset or something You knowand he wants his own toy Sure, he can have it If your child wanted wanted to travel abroad when he is 18 Would you let him go? Of course – Ya, definitely Go for ahead Won't you worry about him? because there is no adult and friend with him No Emm
Well, of course we'll be worrying and it'sour child For I mean we're big travellers ourselves So I don't think we will ever say no If he wants to go overseas and study or just travel and experience new things definitely not Would you confiscate your child's mobile phone laptop, or any electronic devices whenif he gets a bad result in the examination I think it I think it depends
ya I meanif the bad results and school will come from that Ya, definitely
Take it away No, there is no discussion and does the parent in your country used to punish their child physically No -No I didn't – I didn't Do you agree to the corporal punishment? No? Not really Because I had so I would say no Hmm I'll never do that Never
So my last question is What is your expectation on your child? Expectation on our child As long as he is healthy and happy and you know a good person I think we are happy Okay That's all for my question Thank you for your time Thank you, don't worry – Thank you very much Thank you In conclusion Malaysian Parenting style has become more similar to Western parenting style There is no more physical punishment in Malaysia compared to a few years ago Nowadays, both Malaysian and Westerner are more confident in their child and they hope their child can grow up happily Anyway, we believe that every parents love their child At here, we hope that every child can grow up happily and be a good person, kind person in the future
That's all for us Thank You