Parenting Tips: Bullying

Hello! Do you want to know if your child is bullying others? What are the signs? What can you do? Please watch throughout the video My name is Imonie Gwaltney I am an undergraduate intern for PCIT PCIT – Parent Child Interactional Therapy A brief overview of bullying: 1

A physical, verbal, or psychological attack or intimidation 2 An actual or perceived power imbalance between the perpetrator(s) or victim(s) 3 Intent to cause fear, and/or harm to the victim There are four common types of bullying: CYBER BULLYING harm inflicted through threatening, harassing, taunting, and/or intimidating a peer using an electronic medium, such as cell phones, and computers etc RELATIONAL BULLYING Starting rumors, excluding others (more prevalent in girls than boys) PHYSICAL BULLYING Hitting, pushing, kicking (prevalent in boys than girls) VERBAL BULLYING Making threats, calling names, provoking, spreading slander How are these behaviors caused? There are various of causes for bullying One theory suggest bullying can be influence by the Bermuda effect Children may potentially start bullying if they are exposed to violent behaviors Observe examples of bullying behavior every day through media TV reality shows, other kids at school, and even family dynamics Positive communication styles can be an approach to bullying prevention and intervention Developing comfortable line of communication, your child more likely is able to be open to discuss their feelings, friends and life at school Acknowledge the Behavior Sit down with your child Ask what happened? Why is she/he behaving a certain way? Teach caring and empathic relationships Improving the behavior Provide times-outs that are appropriate

One strategy to minimize the bullying behavior can be giving reasonable consequences for bullying behavior such as eliminating or reducing TV time or video game time or both Be Proactive About Working With the School The goal of this partnership is not simply to get but rather to connect important contexts for strengthening children’s learning and development Also, this method can be an effective two-way communication about the children's progress between home and school Build Social and Emotional Skills After-school programs and extracurricular activities can provide new settings to develop ways to build positive relationships I hope you find this video very helpful You can find more information about bullying prevention by clicking the link below

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