Hong Kong, A very dynamic place to live in as it is filled with a fusion of asian and western cultures, making it really hard for one to get bored in this city as there is just so much to do As of 2016, Hong Kong has over 7,368,595 people […]
How I'm raising Amelia versus how I am raising Franklin, I try and have it be very similar, but I find myself babying the boy, and not really babying Amelia at all I don't know if it's just her personality or also how I'm raising her, but she is way […]
Hello, I am Jodie Benveniste, psychologist and a parenting author and I help parents get to the true heart of parenting In this vide we're going to talk about parenting styles and which parenting styles works best for children We know from research that parenting is really important for children’s […]
Subscribe to my channel BE A GENIUS and press the bell icon to get all notifications on my new videosWhat's up guys I am Abesh Chakrabarty you are watching my channel BE A GENIUS By Abesh guys welcome to the 10th episode of my channel be a genius by Abesh […]
I'm a board-certified neurologist and a certified positive discipline parent educator and I would like to walk you through this module which discusses different types of parenting so you've all probably heard about four different styles of parenting Authoritative Authoritarian Permissive and Uninvolved parenting styles According to this ten-minute online […]
Let's take a closer look One of the causes of the disease is narcotic narcissism And open The narcotic narcissism is a silent form of the person who has the characteristics of this mental disorder Somewhat Sensitive And fear of being abandoned or not loved This group of people will […]
Hi everybody my name is LYnda Harlos and I created character purpose with purpose and I was perfect parent and then I had kids My goal today is to try to help you parent with purpose as I don't believe that there is one parenting method out there that will […]
A placid parent makes a placid home Every child is the angel in parent's life So every parent plays an important role in children's life Years ago, we found that Malaysia parenting style is different from Western parenting style Parents in Malaysia used to punish their children physically and lack […]
There has always been debate over the best approach for parents to take as it pertains to disciplinary issues with their children Two of the most common parenting styles are referred to as austere and harsh parenting Luma Simms, who is an associate fellow at the Philos Project, has studied […]