in my house we allow half an hour in the morning and again in the evening weekends this extends to 45 minutes twice a day my kids are busy with homework and activities so they don't always have time but they always ask you could use parental control applications such as screen time to set daily time limits don't let whiny kids wear you down be clear about your expectations and stick to your guns kids that wheedle more time get the message that more whining equals more of the drug make sure all the adults in the household are on the same page my eight-year-old for example must do her homework empty her lunchbox and put it in the dishwasher pick up her personal items from shared living areas and do 30 minutes of active or creative time this can be like a building art making bike riding pretend play with her sister anything that engages her brain and body often she gets so engrossed in active time that she forgets to ask to play games in the phone or watch a show I've been fooled more times than I care to admit when I'm not super vigilant about collecting electronics I will find my kids under blankets in closets and especially in the bathroom feeding their addiction kids will often reach for the art supplies before asking to watch a show and they will usually accept art time as a fun alternative when screen time isn't permitted kids frequently ask to play games on the phone or iPad while waiting in restaurants or doctor's offices so please make it a habit of packing pen and paper wherever you go so that kids can play hangman or tic-tac-toe before they ask for your phone kids will cry that they are bored or have nothing to do this is code for I want my drug boredom is the source of creativity of course everything will seem boring after an electronic sign good parenting means that kids sometimes have nothing to do the challenges that the kids would need you to play with them if there's still too young to manage the rules by themselves they would love having your complete attention so much that they will always choose game night over screen time institute your own household electronic sabbatical give them a reward for a month off such as a sleepover party or a day at an amusement park just please don't make the reward a new video game we all could benefit from the rules we set for our kids when you're with your children avoid being on or checking your phone kids will Rutley cry hypocrite plus giving them your full attention will be the greatest reward of all