Let's take a closer look One of the causes of the disease is narcotic narcissism
And open The narcotic narcissism is a silent form of the person who has the characteristics of this mental disorder Somewhat Sensitive And fear of being abandoned or not loved This group of people will not express themselves to the dominant narcissism This is the reason why the disease
May have a genetic effect And the parenting of a parent with symptoms of narcissism As a result, the child was raised without being affectionate Make armor of endless efforts and interest from others To protect themselves To live And became a symptom
I do not know what to do A narcotic narcissism is a form of self-inflicted narcissism I have more confidence in myself Another group By feeling yourself as a gifted person And better than anyone else
To be interested and competing with the people around by reason believe that it may come from wrong parenting The parents do not have the characteristics of narcissism But because of parenting too much praise As a result, children understand that they are the most important The disease of the disease itself
Silent narcissism can be caused by being fed I do not have the love and affection of the father of the disease Include genes that may be passed on Parents who are sick with it It will pay attention to the most people around
I forgot that my little baby wants true love How to convince others It becomes something that your child may see as an example Parents with narcolepsy may be more likely to pass on to children with symptoms of narcissism This type of narcissism is believed to come from the parenting of a normal parent But admire the ball too Wrong parenting By parents who appreciate the child too
Lack of compassion It may lead to The child has symptoms of narcissism